Come and join us for our Spring edition BIMA Social hosted by the lovely folks from Lynchpin. Not only will there be the usual drinks and chat but we’ll have Nick Mottershead, data scientist from Lynchpin giving a light-hearted presentation on ‘The behavioural science behind WhatsApp Groups’.
Using data science, Nick will analyse how WhatsApp groups evolve and consider “Who are the top contributors to WhatsApp groups? Which people cluster together in conversations? and What elements are needed for a successful chat?”
Come and find out in this data science Whatsapp deep dive.
Nick Mottershead is a data scientist based out of London for Lynchpin Analytics, specialising in Marketing Attribution, Predictive Analytics and analysing user behavior for many high profile organisations. Nick has a background in mathematics, statistics and finance having studied in New Zealand.
Wed, 09 May 2018
17:00 - 20:00
Six Degrees North, 24 Howe Street, Edinburgh, EH3 6TG